World's map

World's map

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Gabriel Fahrenheit

(1686–1736). The German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the alcohol thermometer in 1709 and the mercury thermometer in 1714. In 1724 he introduced the temperature scale that bears his name.  In some countries like USA the use the Fahrenheit scale. 32ºF = 0ºC

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Diagramm unit 7

Tema 7 - The Earth by marianobenlliure5d

Science exam

Exam of the Unit 7. We have to study the galaxy, the Earth and the Moon, the parts of the Earth, the rocks, the parallels and meridians, and the latitude & longitude. You will have an exercise about geographical coordinates. Good Luck.
The man on the picture is Atlas, and it is said that he holds the world on his shoulder. do you belive it?

5ºA on Wednesday 13th
5ºB on Thursday 14th
5ºC on Friday 15th