World's map

World's map

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Diagramms unit 2 (5º)

Here you have the diagrammas of the unit. Click on the links below and you can download them

Wednesday 12 November 2014

School trip survey

As we talked before, here you have the survey about the school trip at the end of the school year. We'll do the most ranked options.

World War II (6º)

You were very interested in the World War II, so I've decided to write the main facts of this horrible and bloody war in oder to satisfy your interest. If you click on the image above, you could read them. Don't forget to write your comments if you have any doubt.

Sunday 2 November 2014


Hi everybody! I'd like to tell you about some blogs I've found that I consider coul be interesting for you all. I've put them on your right. I'll add more in further days.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Contemporary Age

Here you can watch a presentation about the contemporary age and a video about the Industrial Revolution.


Tuesday 28 October 2014

Presentación de Alfonso X

Nació el 23 de noviembre de 1221 en Toledo

Hijo de Fernando III (1217-1252) y Beatriz de Suabia. De su padre, recibió el reino de Castilla y por parte de su madre aspiró al trono de Alemania

Al fallecer su padre, continuó la ofensiva contra los musulmanes, ocupando Jerez (1253) y Cádiz (c. 1262). En el año 1264 hizo frente a una revuelta de mudéjares asentados en el valle del Guadalquivir. Su mayor ambición fue la aspiración al Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, a lo que dedicó más de la mitad de su reinado. 

La muerte en 1275 del infante Fernando, primogénito de Alfonso X, abrió un pleito de sucesión. Los hijos de este infante, los llamados infantes de la CerdaAlfonso y Fernando, pugnaron por la sucesión a la Corona con el infante Sanchosegundo de los hijos de Alfonso X. Finalmente fue este último infante el que consiguió imponerse en el trono. 

Realizó grandes aportaciones en el campo de la cultura lo que le merecieron el apelativo de 'Sabio'.La fecundidad de la colaboración entre intelectuales de las tres culturas tiene su máxima expresión en la Escuela de Traductores de Toledo. Dentro de esta magnífica empresa cultural brilla con luz propia la Astronomía, cuya obra más significativa fue las Tablas astronómicas alfonsíes elaboradas en 1272. La actividad historiográfica de Alfonso X se concretó en obras como la Estoria de España y la Grande e General Estoria, redactadas en lengua romance. En poesía Alfonso X nos ha transmitido un espléndido repertorio de Cantigas, siendo las más conocidas las de carácter religioso o de Santa María. El monarca potenció los estudios musicales y en el terreno propiamente recreativo destaca la obra que salió de los talleres alfonsinos llamadas Libros de axedrez, dados e tablas. Por lo que se refiere a la arquitectura, la obra más importante llevada a cabo durante su reinado fue la catedral de León

Alfonso X murió en Sevilla el 4 de abril de 1284. 

Monday 20 October 2014

Cell by marianobenlliure5d

Unit 12. the Prehistory by marianobenlliure5d

Natural science exam

The first natural science exam is going to be on Thursday 30th. We have to study the unit 1"Living organism". Review the exercises done in the class and the glossary. Good luck

Social Science exam

We have our frst exam. It is on Tuesday 28th. We have to study the unit 11 "Prehistory and the ancient world". Review the exercises done in the class and the glossary. Good luck

Sunday 12 October 2014

Science exam 6º

We have exam on Tuesday. It's about the unit 11 "Modern Age". You can also have have some questions about prehistory, ancient times and middle age. Study the exercises done in the class and the glossary. Good Luck

Tuesday 23 September 2014

I would like to welcome the new students of 5º. This is going to be our blog, where you can find information about the topics studied in the class, you can play, watch videos or take care of our pets. I'm looking forward to reading you all soon.

Friday 23 May 2014

Science exam 5º

We have exam of the unit 11. We have to study the prehistory, the ancient times, the glossary and review the exercises done in the class. The exam is on monday.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Exam 6º

We have exam on Monday 5th May. It's about the European countries and about its capitals. 

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Exam 5º

Exam of the unit 10 on Tuesday 29th. Remember to study the glossary, the population and the different economic sectors, as well as review the exercises done in the class. Good luck

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Science Exam 6º

Exam of the Unit 8 "Spanish Relief". You have to study the glossary, the spanish relief, the climates in Spain and the coasts. The exam is on Friday 14th. Good luck!

Monday 24 February 2014

Science exam 6º

We have exam of the unit 5 "Light and sound"on Wednesday the 26th. Study the exercesise done in the class and the glossary. Good luck.

Carnaval costume

The topic of this year is "Goya". Our class have chosen this 2 pictures. The first one is a self portrait of Goya and the second one is the Duchess of Alba. You don´t need books on thursday, We are going to do working groups in the morning and a parade in the afternoon.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Science exam 5º

Exam Unit 7 on Monday the 24th. You have to study the planets, the layers of the Earth, the rocks, the latitude the longitude and the glossary. Review the exercises done in the class.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Science Exam 6º

We have exam on wednesday 12th of february. It's about the energy, the unit 4. Study the exercises we have done in the class and the glossary. Good Luck.

Thursday 23 January 2014


Exam of the unit 3. It's on Tuesday 28th. You have to study the parts of the male and female reproductive system and teh stages of the pregnancy. You will also have a question about the glossary. Good luck